- #Windows server 2016 remote desktop services certificate how to
- #Windows server 2016 remote desktop services certificate windows
I checked the restart check-box just in case something else was pending for the restart
#Windows server 2016 remote desktop services certificate windows
Click on that role and in next dialog just click add features because Windows server will need to add additional features like Network Policy and Access services, management for the Network policy and access, the same for the RD gateway etc… Just click add features. And at last you are now on the step where you will select Remote Desktop Gateway role.On the Remote Desktop Services role you can just click next.You can skip feature if you don’t need any.On the server selection select your server that will host the Remote Desktop Gateway role.In case you select Remote Desktop Services installation wizard will lead you through Remote Desktop connection broker, web access and remote desktop session host installation which we don’t want in this simple scenario. It is important to select role based installation here.Nothing special on the before you begin step, just click next.Open server manager and select add servers roles and features.SO I will help you out to deploy standalone RD Gateway role on the Windows Server 2012 R2. The things can get pretty complicated here because in the server manager you won’t have a nice icon where you can click on the green add RD Gateway server role icon and do everything through the wizard. complete infrastructure) I just want to have RD Gateway server. I don’t have a farm of RD session host servers sitting behind and I don’t want to deploy Connection broker, web access and session host server (e.g. In case you will want to tweak permissions you can play with the settings by yourself, this is only quick guide for installing Remote Desktop Gateway role on the Windows Server 2012 R2.
#Windows server 2016 remote desktop services certificate how to
So I will describe here how to deploy simple Remote Desktop Gateway on the Windows Server 2012 R2, with most of the default settings that will allow all to connect through the gateway. I can say that at least once a day I deploy one Remote Desktop Session host role that is used mostly for testing :-) I must admit I am using Windows server for every day operations and Remote Desktop Sessions Host role installation is my daily job.

In windows server 2012 R2 seems the things are pretty complicated. Installation of the RD Gateway server was more or less straight forward in Windows Server 2008. To securely access your work computer or Remote Desktop Session host servers in your company data-center Microsoft created Remote Desktop Gateway role that basically is a secure tunnel that allows you to access corporate servers. Lately a lot of people love to work from home a day or two a week or if they have some kind of private obligations sometimes it is easier to access the work environment from home.